Aiming for top standards

Quality & HSE


Quality is one of our top priorities when executing our projects. That’s why our quality department collaborates and supports all stakeholders in the development of processes and improvement initiatives to ensure project excellence and timely delivery.


SASCO actively promotes the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of its employees. When employees feel well, they perform at the highest level and meet the unique challenges of our industry with a healthy mindset.


We safeguard our people, projects, and reputation by striving for zero employee injuries and illnesses while operating and delivering our work responsibly and sustainably. Our executive, senior and project managers lead the HSE improvement process and continuously demonstrate support and commitment. 


Creating and delivering sustainable solutions is critical to our success. We continue to explore the industry’s most robust technology to achieve our clients’ sustainability objectives.

Senior Management

SASCO's skilled and experienced management and engineers ensure its stellar reputation and quality of projects.

Mr. Abdallah Taha
Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Mohamed Fathy
Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Mohamed Hesham
Chief Technical Officer
Mr. Sayed Al Mongy
Finance Director
Mr. Sherif A. Ouda
Head of Planning Department
Mr. Mahmoud Elkassas
Head of Cost Control Department

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